There are four numbering bags. We flip the antlers of 4 of the reindeer down only for enjoyment. Chances are you’ll change one of them with a purple stud to make it Rudolph the Crimson-Nose Reindeer. I had one damaged piece that was nonetheless usable and a couple of warped ones but nothing serious. We obtained the one on the precise with square groove. Do pay attention to the correct approach to modify the battery so the motor will rotate in the proper route. The battery box required 6 AAA size batteries. A small screwdriver is included, along with a medium motor and the battery field. Lepin 23011 model bought more energy capabilities and additional battery boxes. However, when the writer constructs LELE’s set, they found some black pins are outdated, seem to be used, and these outdated pins will make it extra exhausting to construct the set.

Do recycle the baggage for other purposes as long as you don’t pack your lunch in there. This luggage is numbered with the MoldKing product set number. Both of them are good, snug within the constructing process. The quality of the bricks, LELE is better: In the creator’s view, it’s so laborious to built step 4, and it appears like all bricks are produced by a completely different machine, the shaft and gap’s size are different, some are free and some are tightening if he didn’t use some instruments, could also be can’t accomplish it. And the eyebrow bricks are in a separate bag. The small and medium assemblies have a carton compartment inside to separate the assembled baggage and keep the field good.

The set came with a Medium Motor as well. Add to Mould King Wishlist. Select a choice N without motor with the motor. Earlier, we talked about the M motor wasn’t working as per the design for crab steering. Testing the motor to make sure it’s working. The length of Santa’s sleigh measured 62.4 cm, and we have to make room to show it. You might put the string on Santa’s hand as a substitute. I’ve ordered the Mould King Monarch, which was initially designed by one case. To be able to compensate OneCase for his work of designing the MOC, I purchased his directions.

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