How Background Check Services Can Help Identify Fake Degree Certificates and Prevent Fraud

How Background Check Services Can Help Identify Fake Degree Certificates and Prevent Fraud


Aiming at higher education with a healthy amount of skepticism is essential. Also, be on the lookout for offers that seem too appealing to be true. Checking the legitimacy of the institution, looking at the website of an institution, seeking recommendations and conducting a thorough review can help differentiate genuine credentials from fraudulent ones.

Eaton mentions that establishing the blacklist of schools that offer diplomas difficult because fraudsters change names and domains regularly. However, there are some obvious indicators that could warn employers about fake degrees.

Online Job Portals

Job portals online are websites that connect job seekers to employers. They offer a variety of options to assist those seeking employment find a job which matches their qualifications and expertise. Employers can also post vacancies on these websites and accept applications. Job portals online allow you to search for jobs using location, industry and the salary range. It also allows applicants to create multiple profiles and apply for positions at the touch of a button. A lot of job sites have an area called “Featured Jobs” that showcases the most sought-after positions.

Many companies are hiring new workers as the global economy recovers following the Covid-19 epidemic. But the rise of fake degrees and diplomas makes it harder for employers to identify qualified candidates. The consequences of these fraudulent credentials are severe for the job seeker and the employer.

Diploma mills are a frequent source of fake credentials. They aren’t recognized by any official body. They are known for charging money for degrees that don’t require a lot of academic effort. They also employ high-pressure tactics to promote them. According to some estimates, up to 30% of applicants falsify their credentials. It is therefore important to carry out thorough background checks and verify the educational qualifications of potential employees by contacting their granting institution as well as their previous employers.

Credential Verification

The misuse of fake transcripts, diplomas and degrees is a huge problem in the field of education. This has a huge impact on those who are trying to get into a field they have no formal education in, and it can also hinder the efforts of actual graduates.

Individuals looking for work are usually eager to secure a lucrative position. They’re willing to do anything to get it. They might be enticed to purchase an online degree and then make use of it to increase their credentials, however it could lead to legal consequences if they’re caught. There are several degree verification companies that can help you verify the authenticity of a degree however, this procedure takes a long time and is a hassle.

Reed who was director of postsecondary education in Tennessee for six-years, says the identification of fake certificates is difficult. According to Reed If the logo or name of the university is changed or has been merged with another one this is a sign that the degree may be counterfeit. He also advises employers to examine the certificate for the contact details and registrar’s name.

A fake diploma can also be identified through the presence of Latin on the document. In the UK for instance, the university certificates are not likely to include Latin phrases such as “Cum Laude. Any document that contains these phrases should be considered with suspicion.

Diploma Mills

Diploma mills are black market companies that profit from loopholes in the regulations for higher education. They may award degrees in a few months or weeks without requiring any coursework. Fake accreditation organizations can assist them in making their products appear legitimate. To recognize a diploma mill you must search for specific indicators of danger. This includes:

In the United States, these bogus institutions usually focus on international students looking for more career opportunities in America or looking to enhance their existing credentials with more relevant names. They may also take American names as their own or use the reputation of other universities to promote their own. They also exploit the lack of central supervision in the United States to promote themselves and attract students who might not be aware.

This issue is not just a nuisance for consumers. It’s an enormous problem for the image of institutions of higher learning. They could be damaged by illegitimate certificates and reduce their competitive advantage when employers attempt to confirm the legitimacy of their applicants’ credentials. While diploma mills can’t be stopped, any effort to reduce the harm they cause to the credibility of higher education as well as the reputations of faculty members in HEIs will only benefit.

Background Check Services

Falsified credentials are a worldwide issue despite advancements in technology and the best methods. By detecting and preventing academic fraud employers and businesses can cut down on time, expense and also reputation, as well as reduce the risk of liability and safeguard employees, customers, and the general public.

Typically, employment and education verification involves calling previous employers and institutions to confirm the authenticity of the diploma or degree that a candidate claims to have earned. This method helps identify any mistakes or false statements in applications, resumes, and interviews. It is also a way to identify degrees from unaccredited schools, which may indicate fake credentials.

The traditional verification process is expensive and time-consuming. It can take days, weeks, or even months to validate educational and training certificates. Dock Certs, the Dock Wallet and other innovative technologies let users verify their credentials in a matter of minutes. They just need to submit digital versions of their certificates. With blockchain technology, the verification firm can quickly check the authenticity of the person who is holding the document against the original records from issuing institutions.

Background checks can provide information about an applicant that could disqualify them from an employment opportunity, for example, the conviction of a criminal or substance abuse issues. Best practices in verification, when partnered with trusted background check providers can protect businesses from costly mistakes that can affect their reputation as well as their financial security.

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